#!/bin/sh # Yes, that's POSIX sh, not bash! tmpdir=`mktemp -d` conffile=${tmpdir}/nbd.conf pidfile=${tmpdir}/nbd.pid tmpnam=${tmpdir}/nbd.dd mydir=$(dirname "`readlink -f $0`") ulimit -c unlimited # Create a one-meg device dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmpnam bs=1024 count=4096 >/dev/null 2>&1 echo $1 case $1 in */cmd) # Test with export specified on command line ./nbd-server -C /dev/null -p ${pidfile} 11111 $tmpnam & # -p only works if nbd-server wasn't compiled with -DNOFORK or # -DNODAEMON, which I sometimes do for testing and debugging. PID=$! sleep 1 ./nbd-tester-client 11111 retval=$? ;; */cfgsize) # Test oversized requests ./nbd-server -C /dev/null -p ${pidfile} 11111 $tmpnam & # -p only works if nbd-server wasn't compiled with -DNOFORK or # -DNODAEMON, which I sometimes do for testing and debugging. PID=$! sleep 1 ./nbd-tester-client 11111 -o retval=$? ;; */cfg1) # Test with export specified in config file cat > ${conffile} <${conffile} <${conffile} <${conffile} <${conffile} <${conffile} <${conffile} <