/* * Network Block Device - server * * Copyright 1996-1998 Pavel Machek, distribute under GPL * * * Version 1.0 - hopefully 64-bit-clean * Version 1.1 - merging enhancements from Josh Parsons, * Version 1.2 - autodetect size of block devices, thanx to Peter T. Breuer" * Version 1.5 - can compile on Unix systems that don't have 64 bit integer * type, or don't have 64 bit file offsets by defining FS_32BIT * in compile options for nbd-server *only*. This can be done * with make FSCHOICE=-DFS_32BIT nbd-server. (I don't have the * original autoconf input file, or I would make it a configure * option.) Ken Yap . */ #define VERSION "1.5" #define GIGA (1*1024*1024*1024) #include #include #include #include #include /* sockaddr_in, htons, in_addr */ #include /* hostent, gethostby*, getservby* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _IO(a,b) // #define ISSERVER #define MY_NAME "nbd_server" /* Authorization file should contain lines with IP addresses of clients authorized to use the server. If it does not exist, access is permitted. */ #define AUTH_FILE "nbd_server.allow" #include "cliserv.h" #undef _IO /* Deep magic: ioctl.h defines _IO macro (at least on linux) */ /* Debugging macros, now nothing goes to syslog unless you say ISSERVER */ #ifdef ISSERVER #define msg2(a,b) syslog(a,b) #define msg3(a,b,c) syslog(a,b,c) #define msg4(a,b,c,d) syslog(a,b,c,d) #else #define msg2(a,b) do { fprintf(stderr,b) ; fputs("\n",stderr) ; } while(0) #define msg3(a,b,c) do { fprintf(stderr,b,c); fputs("\n",stderr) ; } while(0) #define msg4(a,b,c,d) do { fprintf(stderr,b,c,d); fputs("\n",stderr) ; } while(0) #endif #include #include /* For BLKGETSIZE */ #ifdef FS_32BIT typedef u32 fsoffset_t; #define htonll htonl #define ntohll ntohl #else typedef u64 fsoffset_t; #endif //#define DODBG #ifdef DODBG #define DEBUG( a ) printf( a ) #define DEBUG2( a,b ) printf( a,b ) #define DEBUG3( a,b,c ) printf( a,b,c ) #else #define DEBUG( a ) #define DEBUG2( a,b ) #define DEBUG3( a,b,c ) #endif #if defined(HAVE_LLSEEK) && !defined(sun) /* Solaris already has llseek defined in unistd.h */ extern long long llseek(unsigned int, long long, unsigned int); #endif void serveconnection(int net) ; void set_peername(int net,char *clientname) ; #define LINELEN 256 char difffilename[256] ; int authorized_client(char *name) /* 0 - authorization refused, 1 - OK authorization file contains one line per machine, no wildcards */ { FILE *f ; char line[LINELEN] ; if ((f=fopen(AUTH_FILE,"r"))==NULL) { msg4(LOG_INFO,"Can't open authorization file %s (%s).", AUTH_FILE,strerror(errno)) ; return 1 ; } while (fgets(line,LINELEN,f)!=NULL) { if (strncmp(line,name,strlen(name))==0) { fclose(f) ; return 1 ; } } fclose(f) ; return 0 ; } inline void readit(int f, void *buf, int len) { int res; while (len > 0) { DEBUG("*"); if ((res = read(f, buf, len)) <= 0) err("Read failed: %m"); len -= res; buf += res; } } inline void writeit(int f, void *buf, int len) { int res; while (len > 0) { DEBUG("+"); if ((res = write(f, buf, len)) <= 0) err("Write failed: %m"); len -= res; buf += res; } } int port; /* Port I'm listening at */ char *exportname; /* File I'm exporting */ fsoffset_t exportsize = ~0, hunksize = ~0; /* ...and its length */ int flags = 0; int export[1024]; int difffile=-1 ; u32 difffilelen=0 ; /* number of pages in difffile */ u32 *difmap=NULL ; char clientname[256] ; #define DIFFPAGESIZE 4096 /* diff file uses those chunks */ #define F_READONLY 1 #define F_MULTIFILE 2 #define F_COPYONWRITE 4 void cmdline(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; if (argc < 3) { printf("This is nbd-server version " VERSION "\n"); printf("Usage: port file_to_export [size][kKmM] [-r] [-m] [-c]\n" " -r read only\n" " -m multiple file\n" " -c copy on write\n" " if port is set to 0, stdin is used (for running from inetd)\n" " if file_to_export contains '%%s', it is substituted with IP\n" " address of machine trying to connect\n" ); exit(0); } port = atoi(argv[1]); for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if (*argv[i] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'r': flags |= F_READONLY; break; case 'm': flags |= F_MULTIFILE; hunksize = 1*GIGA; break; case 'c': flags |=F_COPYONWRITE ; break ; } } else { fsoffset_t es; int last = strlen(argv[i])-1; char suffix = argv[i][last]; if (suffix == 'k' || suffix == 'K' || suffix == 'm' || suffix == 'M') argv[i][last] = '\0'; es = (fsoffset_t)atol(argv[i]); switch (suffix) { case 'm': case 'M': es <<= 10; case 'k': case 'K': es <<= 10; default : break; } exportsize = es; } } exportname = argv[2]; } void connectme(int port) { struct sockaddr_in addrin; int addrinlen = sizeof(addrin); int net, sock, newpid; if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) err("socket: %m"); DEBUG("Waiting for connections... bind, "); addrin.sin_family = AF_INET; addrin.sin_port = htons(port); addrin.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addrin, addrinlen) < 0) err("bind: %m"); DEBUG("listen, "); if (listen(sock, 1) < 0) err("listen: %m"); DEBUG("accept, "); for(;;) { /* infinite loop */ if ((net = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addrin, &addrinlen)) < 0) err("accept: %m"); set_peername(net,clientname) ; if (!authorized_client(clientname)) { msg2(LOG_INFO,"Unauthorized client") ; close(net) ; continue ; } msg2(LOG_INFO,"Authorized client") ; if ((newpid=fork())<0) { msg3(LOG_INFO,"Could not fork (%s)",strerror(errno)) ; close(net) ; continue ; } if (newpid>0) { /* parent */ close(net) ; continue ; } /* child */ close(sock) ; msg2(LOG_INFO,"Starting to serve") ; serveconnection(net) ; } } #define SEND writeit( net, &reply, sizeof( reply )); #define ERROR { reply.error = htonl(-1); SEND; reply.error = 0; lastpoint = -1; } fsoffset_t lastpoint = -1; void maybeseek(int handle, fsoffset_t a) { if (a > exportsize) err("Can not happen\n"); if (lastpoint != a) { #if defined(HAVE_LLSEEK) && !defined(FS_32BIT) if (llseek(handle, a, SEEK_SET) < 0) #else if (lseek(handle, (long)a, SEEK_SET) < 0) #endif err("Can not seek locally!\n"); lastpoint = a; } else { DEBUG("@"); } } void myseek(int handle,fsoffset_t a) { #if HAVE_LLSEEK && !defined(FS_32BIT) if (llseek(handle, a, SEEK_SET) < 0) #else if (lseek(handle, (long)a, SEEK_SET) < 0) #endif err("Can not seek locally!\n"); } char pagebuf[DIFFPAGESIZE] ; int rawexpread(fsoffset_t a, char *buf, int len) { maybeseek(export[a/hunksize], a%hunksize); return (read(export[a/hunksize], buf, len) != len); } int expread(fsoffset_t a, char *buf, int len) { int rdlen ; fsoffset_t mapcnt,mapl,maph ; fsoffset_t pagestart; int offset ; if (flags & F_COPYONWRITE) { DEBUG3("Asked to read %d bytes at %lu.\n",len,(unsigned long)a) ; mapl=a/DIFFPAGESIZE ; maph=(a+len-1)/DIFFPAGESIZE ; for (mapcnt=mapl;mapcnt<=maph;mapcnt++) { pagestart=mapcnt*DIFFPAGESIZE ; offset=a-pagestart ; rdlen=(lenhunksize) rdlen=hunksize-(pagestart%hunksize) ; if (rawexpread(pagestart,pagebuf,rdlen)) return -1 ; memcpy(pagebuf+offset,buf,wrlen) ; if (write(difffile,pagebuf,DIFFPAGESIZE)!=DIFFPAGESIZE) return -1 ; } len-=wrlen ; a+=wrlen ; buf+=wrlen ; } } else return(rawexpwrite(a,buf,len)); return 0 ; } int mainloop(int net) { struct nbd_request request; struct nbd_reply reply; char zeros[300]; int i = 0; fsoffset_t size_host; memset(zeros, 0, 290); if (write(net, INIT_PASSWD, 8) < 0) err("Negotiation failed: %m"); #ifndef FS_32BIT cliserv_magic = htonll(cliserv_magic); #endif if (write(net, &cliserv_magic, sizeof(cliserv_magic)) < 0) err("Negotiation failed: %m"); size_host = htonll(exportsize); #ifdef FS_32BIT if (write(net, zeros, 4) < 0 || write(net, &size_host, 4) < 0) #else if (write(net, &size_host, 8) < 0) #endif err("Negotiation failed: %m"); if (write(net, zeros, 128) < 0) err("Negotiation failed: %m"); DEBUG("Entering request loop!\n"); reply.magic = htonl(NBD_REPLY_MAGIC); reply.error = 0; while (1) { char buf[20480]; int len; #ifdef DODBG i++; printf("%d: ", i); #endif readit(net, &request, sizeof(request)); request.from = ntohll(request.from); request.type = ntohl(request.type); if (request.type==2) { /* Disconnect request */ if (difmap) free(difmap) ; if (difffile>=0) { close(difffile) ; unlink(difffilename) ; } err("Disconnect request received.") ; } len = ntohl(request.len); if (request.magic != htonl(NBD_REQUEST_MAGIC)) err("Not enough magic."); if (len > 10240) err("Request too big!"); #ifdef DODBG printf("%s from %d (%d) len %d, ", (request.type ? "WRITE" : "READ"), (int) request.from, (int) request.from / 512, len); #endif memcpy(reply.handle, request.handle, sizeof(reply.handle)); if (((request.from + len) > exportsize) || ((flags & F_READONLY) && request.type)) { DEBUG("[RANGE!]"); ERROR; continue; } if (request.type==1) { /* WRITE */ DEBUG("wr: net->buf, "); readit(net, buf, len); DEBUG("buf->exp, "); if (expwrite(request.from, buf, len)) { DEBUG("Write failed: %m" ); ERROR; continue; } lastpoint += len; SEND; continue; } /* READ */ DEBUG("exp->buf, "); if (expread(request.from, buf + sizeof(struct nbd_reply), len)) { lastpoint = -1; DEBUG("Read failed: %m"); ERROR; continue; } lastpoint += len; DEBUG("buf->net, "); memcpy(buf, &reply, sizeof(struct nbd_reply)); writeit(net, buf, len + sizeof(struct nbd_reply)); DEBUG("OK!\n"); } } char exportname2[1024]; void set_peername(int net,char *clientname) { struct sockaddr_in addrin; int addrinlen = sizeof( addrin ); char *peername ; if (getpeername( net, (struct sockaddr *) &addrin, &addrinlen ) < 0) err("getsockname failed: %m"); peername = inet_ntoa(addrin.sin_addr); sprintf(exportname2, exportname, peername); msg4(LOG_INFO, "connect from %s, assigned file is %s", peername, exportname2); strncpy(clientname,peername,255) ; } fsoffset_t size_autodetect(int export) { fsoffset_t es; DEBUG("looking for export size with lseek SEEK_END\n"); if ((int)(es = lseek(export, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1 || es == 0) { struct stat stat_buf = { 0, } ; int error; DEBUG("looking for export size with fstat\n"); if ((error = fstat(export, &stat_buf)) == -1 || stat_buf.st_size == 0 ) { DEBUG("looking for export size with ioctl BLKGETSIZE\n"); #ifdef BLKGETSIZE if(ioctl(export, BLKGETSIZE, &es) || es == 0) { #else if(1){ #endif err("Could not find size of exported block device: %m"); } else { es *= 512; /* assume blocksize 512 */ } } else { es = stat_buf.st_size; } } return es; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int net; fsoffset_t i; if (sizeof( struct nbd_request )!=28) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad size of structure. Alignment problems?\n"); exit(-1) ; } logging(); cmdline(argc, argv); if (!port) return 1 ; connectme(port); /* serve infinitely */ return 0 ; } void serveconnection(int net) { u64 i ; for (i=0; i (~0UL >> 1)) #ifdef HAVE_LLSEEK if ((exportsize >> 10) > (~0UL >> 1)) msg3(LOG_INFO, "size of exported file/device is %luMB", (unsigned long)(exportsize >> 20)); else msg3(LOG_INFO, "size of exported file/device is %luKB", (unsigned long)(exportsize >> 10)); #else err("Size of exported file is too big\n"); #endif else msg3(LOG_INFO, "size of exported file/device is %lu", (unsigned long)exportsize); if (flags & F_COPYONWRITE) { sprintf(difffilename,"%s-%s-%d.diff",exportname2,clientname, (int)getpid()) ; msg3(LOG_INFO,"About to create map and diff file %s",difffilename) ; difffile=open(difffilename,O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC,0600) ; if (difffile<0) err("Could not create diff file (%m)") ; if ((difmap=calloc(exportsize/DIFFPAGESIZE,sizeof(u32)))==NULL) err("Could not allocate memory") ; for (i=0;i